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Peligroso Amor Geek / Dangerous Geek Love

La historía de los Geeks empezó gracias a un joven antisistema que se juntó con unos amigos

The history of the Geeks started with an anti-system young man that joined some friends

Juntos inventaron una cosa llamada "windows", que en un origen vino a ser el Dios del Geek

Together they invented a thing called "windows", in the origin it was the God of Geek

El primer Geek era un ser tosco y solitario

The first Geek was crude and lonely

Se sentía solo y solo se sentía agusto junto a su máquina y su "windows"

He felt lonely and only felt good near his machine and his "windows"

Con el tiempo "windows" creo a la Mujer Geek

Over time "windows" create The Geek Woman

Y aparecieron los primeros grupos de Geeks

And appeared the first groups of Geeks

Algunos Geeks se hicieron millonarios y gracias a eso se casaron con mujeres fisicamente atractivas

Some Geeks became millionaires thanks to that married women physically attractive

Los geeks se volvieron poderosos

The Geeks became powerful

Y su excentricidad se acentuó

And his eccentricity was accentuated

Su mundo ya no era el nuestro

They world was no longer ours

Las horas del día y la noche no bastaban para atender sus fotologs, myspaces, bloggs, ircs, batallas en warcraft, foros del señor de los anillos, campus parties, y un millón de cosas más

The day and night hours were insufficient to attend their fotologs, myspaces, bloggs, ircs, battles on warcraft, forums about the lord of the rings, campus parties, and a million things

Se volvieron locos

They became mad

Y es que en esta vida hay amores que matan

You know, in this life there are loves that kill